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St Margaret's-at-Cliffe Primary School

St Margaret's-at-Cliffe Primary School

Letters Sent Home 2023/2024

Letters sent home during the 2023/2024 academic year will appear below

  1. End of Year Letter
    PDF File
  2. 19.07.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  3. Summer Reading Challenge 2024
    PDF File
  4. Class 6 Shirt Signing
    PDF File
  5. Family Picnic
    PDF File
  6. Class 1 Staffing - 15th & 16th July
    PDF File
  7. Chickenpox - Classes 3 & 6
    PDF File
  8. 12.07.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  9. Year 6 Leavers' Service
    PDF File
  10. Class 6 Pizza
    PDF File
  11. 05.07.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  12. 28.06.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  13. Chickenpox - Class 1
    PDF File
  14. Class 4 Staffing - 26.06.24
    PDF File
  15. Class 1 Forest School wc 15th July 2024
    PDF File
  16. Class 2 Forest School wc 8th July 2024
    PDF File
  17. Class 3 Forest School wc 1st July 2024
    PDF File
  18. Year R to Year 1 Transition Meeting For Parents
    PDF File
  19. 21.06.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  20. Class 2 Family Assembly
    PDF File
  21. 14.06.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  22. Chickenpox - Class R
    PDF File
  23. 07.06.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  24. Interim Headteacher - Letter from Chair of Governors
    PDF File
  25. Sports Day 2024
    PDF File
  26. Class 5 Forest School wc 17th June 2024
    PDF File
  27. Class 6 Forest School wc 10th June 2024
    PDF File
  28. Class R Forest School wc 3rd June 2024
    PDF File
  29. 23.05.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  30. 17.05.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  31. PSHE - Class 6
    PDF File
  32. PSHE - Class 5
    PDF File
  33. PSHE - Class 4
    PDF File
  34. PSHE - Class 3
    PDF File
  35. PSHE - Class 2
    PDF File
  36. PSHE - Class 1
    PDF File
  37. Class 2 Staffing w/c 20th May 2024
    PDF File
  38. Chickenpox
    PDF File
  39. 10.05.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  40. Universal Infant Free School Meals - 16th May 2024
    PDF File
  41. Class 1 Forest School wc 20th May 2024
    PDF File
  42. 03.05.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  43. Statutory and Non-Statutory Assessment
    PDF File
  44. Class 3 Forest School wc 6th May 2024
    PDF File
  45. 26.04.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  46. Headlice - Year 3
    PDF File
  47. Headlice - Year R
    PDF File
  48. Phonics Screening Check - Parent Information Meeting
    PDF File
  49. Senior Leadership Team Staff News
    PDF File
  50. 19.04.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  51. Class 4 Forest School wc 29th April 2024
    PDF File
  52. Class 3 Family Assembly
    PDF File
  53. Class 6 Newsletter Terms 5&6
    PDF File
  54. Class 5 Newsletter Terms 5&6
    PDF File
  55. Class 4 Newsletter Terms 5&6
    PDF File
  56. Class 3 Newsletter Terms 5&6
    PDF File
  57. Class 2 Newsletter Terms 5&6
    PDF File
  58. Class 1 Newsletter Terms 5&6
    PDF File
  59. Class R Newsletter Terms 5&6
    PDF File
  60. Class 5 Forest School wc 22nd April 2024
    PDF File
  61. Miss Brett - Maternity Leave
    PDF File
  62. 28.03.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  63. New Lunch Menu April 2024
    PDF File
  64. Class 1 - Making Jam Sandwiches
    PDF File
  65. Class R Forest School wc 15th April 2024
    PDF File
  66. 22.03.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  67. Class 1 Staffing - 22.03.24
    PDF File
  68. Class 3 Staffing 21.03.24
    PDF File
  69. Reception Class Staffing
    PDF File
  70. 15.03.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  71. Speak Out Stay Safe
    PDF File
  72. Years 3 & 4 Maths Parent Workshop
    PDF File
  73. Class 1 Fruit Salad
    PDF File
  74. Class 2 Forest School wc 18th March 2024
    PDF File
  75. Staff News - Miss Owen
    PDF File
  76. 08.03.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  77. British Science Week
    PDF File
  78. 01.03.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  79. Red Nose Day 2024
    PDF File
  80. Class 3 Forest School wc 4th March 2024
    PDF File
  81. 23.02.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  82. Parent/Carer Consultations
    PDF File
  83. Art Assembly and Competition
    PDF File
  84. Class 1 Family Assembly
    PDF File
  85. PSHE Year 6 Term 4
    PDF File
  86. Parent/Carer Survey Results
    PDF File
  87. Parent/Carer Survey Letter to Parents
    PDF File
  88. 09.02.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  89. Class 5 Forest School wc 26th February 2024
    PDF File
  90. Class 4 Forest School wc 19th February 2024
    PDF File
  91. World Book Day 2024
    PDF File
  92. 02.02.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  93. 26.01.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  94. Safer Internet Day 2024
    PDF File
  95. Class 3 Staffing 25.01.24
    PDF File
  96. NSPCC Number Day 2024
    PDF File
  97. Bath, Book, Bed - Reception Class
    PDF File
  98. 19.01.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  99. Art Assembly and Competition
    PDF File
  100. Class R Forest School wc 29th January
    PDF File
  101. Class 6 Forest School wc 5th February
    PDF File
  102. Class 6 Staffing - 17th January 2024
    PDF File
  103. 12.01.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  104. Universal Infant Free School Meals January 2024
    PDF File
  105. Class 1 Forest School wc 22nd January
    PDF File
  106. Class 2 Forest School wc 15th January
    PDF File
  107. 05.01.24 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  108. Class 6 Newsletter Terms 3&4
    PDF File
  109. Class 5 Newsletter Terms 3&4
    PDF File
  110. Class R Newsletter Terms 3&4
    PDF File
  111. Class 4 Newsletter Terms 3&4
    PDF File
  112. Class 3 Newsletter Terms 3&4
    PDF File
  113. Class 2 Newsletter Terms 3&4
    PDF File
  114. Class 1 Newsletter Terms 3&4
    PDF File
  115. Class 4 Family Assembly
    PDF File
  116. 15.12.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  117. Public Consultation on the proposed Locality Model for Special Educational Needs (SEN) Inclusion in Kent
    PDF File
  118. Class 3 Forest School wc 8th January 2024
    PDF File
  119. Winter Reading Challenge
    PDF File
  120. 08.12.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  121. Class 5 - Airline Meal
    PDF File
  122. Class 6 Soups - Sampling and Cooking
    PDF File
  123. Class R Staffing - 7th December 2023
    PDF File
  124. Class 4 Staffing - 6th December 2023
    PDF File
  125. Class R Staffing - 6th December 2023
    PDF File
  126. Class R Staffing - 5th December 2023
    PDF File
  127. 01.12.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  128. Goodnight Mr Tom
    PDF File
  129. Class R Staffing - 29th November 2023
    PDF File
  130. 24.11.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  131. Class 5 Staffing - 24th November 2023
    PDF File
  132. Class 6 Staffing - 24th November 2023
    PDF File
  133. Class 4 Staffing - 24th November 2023
    PDF File
  134. Class 1 Staffing - 23rd November 2023
    PDF File
  135. Class 6 Staffing - 21st November 2023
    PDF File
  136. 17.11.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  137. 10.11.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  138. Art Assembly and Competition
    PDF File
  139. Class 4 Forest School wc 27th November
    PDF File
  140. Class 5 Forest School wc 20th November
    PDF File
  141. Anti-Bullying & Mental Health Week 2023
    PDF File
  142. 03.11.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  143. Children In Need 2023
    PDF File
  144. Class 3 Staffing - 1st November 2023
    PDF File
  145. Class 3 Staffing - 31st October 2023
    PDF File
  146. 20.10.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  147. New Lunch Menu November 2023
    PDF File
  148. Class 6 PSHE - Celebrating Differences
    PDF File
  149. Class 5 Family Assembly
    PDF File
  150. Class 6 Forest School wc 6th November
    PDF File
  151. Class R Forest School wc 31st October
    PDF File
  152. Poppy Appeal 2023
    PDF File
  153. 13.10.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  154. 'Love In A Box' Appeal
    PDF File
  155. 06.10.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  156. Class 6 Staffing - 4th October 2023
    PDF File
  157. Class 2 'Little Wandle Spelling Programme' Parent Meeting
    PDF File
  158. Class 1 Phonics and Reading Parent Meeting
    PDF File
  159. Class R Phonics and Reading Parent Meeting
    PDF File
  160. KCC Secondary Admissions Leaflet 2024
    PDF File
  161. Class 6 Secondary Admissions
    PDF File
  162. 29.09.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  163. Universal Infant Free School Meals October 2023
    PDF File
  164. Class 1 Forest School wc 16th October
    PDF File
  165. Class 2 Forest School wc 9th October
    PDF File
  166. Class 3 Forest School wc 2nd October
    PDF File
  167. Class 3 Staffing
    PDF File
  168. 22.09.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  169. Class 4 Forest School wc 25th September
    PDF File
  170. Class 4 Staffing
    PDF File
  171. 15.09.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  172. Class R Reading Books
    PDF File
  173. Class 1 'My History' Photographs
    PDF File
  174. Class 1 Reading Books
    PDF File
  175. Class 5 Forest School wc 18th September
    PDF File
  176. 08.09.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File
  177. we 8th September
    PDF File
  178. Class 6 Forest School wc 11th September
    PDF File
  179. Mobile 'phones
    PDF File
  180. Open Afternoon 'Meet the Teacher'
    PDF File
  181. Welcome Letter September 2023
    PDF File
  182. New Lunch Menu September 2023
    PDF File
  183. 04.09.23 Weekly Newsletter
    PDF File